Alone/Together: In loneliness, We Come Together
(Left to Right) Hsuan Yu Pan/Director, Rose Tang/Musician & Human Rights Activist (Photo Credit: Paul Kennedy),
Steve Holtje /Musician, Felicia Lin/Host & Producer of Talking Taiwan Podcast
Time: 7/15 (Sat) 2 PM-4 PM
Location: TAAC House 7B Nolan Park on Governors Island NYC
About Governors Island Ferry Schedule
Free in-person screening, concert & conversation. The event is part of TAIWANESE AMERICAN ARTS COUNCIL's program.
In-Person Program
2:00-2:25 concert
2:30-3:20 film Intro & screening
3:20-4:00 Q&A
While you may rent this film on the website for $10 anytime, the film will be free to access from July 14 to July 16 on this page. We strongly recommend watching the film on this page before coming to the discussion.
About the Event
Rose Tang, musician and human rights activist, also a participant in Alone/Together, and musician Steve Holtje, read Chinese poetry with music composition followed by a conversation with Director Hsuan Yu Pan, Rose Tang, and other film participants, moderated by Felicia Lin, Producer & Host of the Talking Taiwan podcast.
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